Tailored Strategies for
Restaurants in Hawai'i !

Elevate your restaurant's
appeal and attract
Japanese clientele effortlessly!!

Did you know that approximately 25% of tourists visiting Hawaii are Japanese? We're here to help you bring more Japanese diners to your establishment!
Our team specializes in advising on Japanese cultural nuances that only a Japanese audience would understand, ensuring a memorable dining experience for your international guests !!

Accessing Japanese Market: Why It Matters

Seeking Japanese store
info and menus!

Japanese consumers seek Japanese-language
store information and menus.

Diving into Japanese
blogs and articles!

They read Japanese blogs and articles
for information.

Connecting on
Japanese social media.

They actively engage with
Japanese social media networks.


  • Japanese market and
  • Your restaurant gneneral information in Japanese
  • Your menu in Japanese
  • Consultation on Developing Signature Menu for Japanese
  • Introduce your restaurant on our media